You won’t believe how I got free froyo last night, and it’s a trick you can use too!

Dave Kasper
2 min readJan 27, 2014

Yesterday afternoon I got home from a weekend camping trip and had a ton of work to catch up on for a Monday deadline. After working for almost 6 hours straight I decided to take a walk down to the supermarket for some snacks and groceries that I needed. I went to the supermarket and picked up some trail mix and ice cream and started the 7 block walk back to my apartment. I live on a pretty major street and there are a lot of shops, including an awesome new frozen yogurt place that opened up a week or two ago. As I walked by there was a worker outside with a couple cups of yogurt.

“Free froyo?” he said.

“Free? Are you kidding?” Anytime something sounds too good to be true my defense mechanisms flare up.

“Not kidding”.

“Wow, thanks.” I said taking the ice cream with a big smile.

“Coffee toffee” he pointed out, and I realized I was so excited I hadn’t even asked what type it was.

And that is how I ended up with a delicious cup of free frozen yogurt. I will definitely go back to the shop now seeing how tasty it was, so it was cheap advertising for them, although I’m not giving away the name of my spot! I enjoyed some froyo that would’ve likely been thrown out otherwise, so I can feel good about preventing unnecessary waste. The only downside was that I had to wait until tomorrow to eat the ice cream I had already bought at the store.

I’ve laid out the steps to getting your own free froyo here so you can give it a try and discover a tasty shop near you. You can probably try it with other types of shop too!

Step 1:

Find a froyo shop near you and look up their hours of operation

Step 2:

Casually walk down the street a few minutes before closing. Try again a few minutes after closing. Try not too look like you’re loitering.

Step 3:

When a worker from the shop asks you if you want free froyo say yes! Victory is yours!

