JET8 Weekly Update — October 8, 2018

Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2018

This week, the DEN Summit keynote speakers reveal their talking points, and revolutionary urban artist Jorge Rodríguez Gerada takes over the DEN Culture session in Barcelona.

10 days left to the JET8 Foundation’s inaugural DEN Summit. Have you registered yet?

Limited event registration is still open at

DEN keynote speakers focus on communities

Experts and inspirational leaders will take to the stage on the 18th of October with a common goal - to discuss the role of communities with regard to the future of technology, society, culture, and industry.

  1. Sports legend and inclusivity advocate Angela Hucles is set to discuss the importance of leadership in community with her talk, entitled: Tech Power for Introverts
  2. Cognitive anthropologist Dr. Robert Deutsch adds his expertise on human behaviour to the mix: Helps and Hindrances in Creating Communities
  3. Senta Slingerland looks at the role of technology and social evolution, with: Gender Equality, at the Touch of a Button
  4. Social entrepreneur and food-for-change activist David Hertz takes to the stage to discuss positive social impact: A Global Social Gastronomic Movement Fostered by Local Communities
  5. Genevieve von Petzinger looks to the past and considers the future, with: Social Networking Paleo-style- How Community and Communication Helped Us Survive the Ice Age

Hosting duties for this pivotal event fall to TASCHEN editor & curator, Julius Wiedemann.

Urban art take-over DEN Culture sessions

Expect a special session at the DEN Hall in Barcelona this week, as renowned Cuban-American urban artist Jorge Rodríguez Gerada takes over DEN Culture! The evening will centre around the creation of one of Jorge’s signature large-scale murals, a style made famous with his charcoal Identity Series, adorning the streets of Barcelona. Jorge will talk the audience through his ephemeral works, and the importance of urban art and community.

Jorge emerged in the 90’s as a revolutionary and disruptive artist and social commentator. In 2002 he moved from New York to Barcelona where he embarked on a journey of large-scale expression, including the earthworks Identity Composite Series- visible from space. He continues to exhibit an impressive array of emotionally and politically dense, large and small work, such as his Fragment Series, Urban Analogies, and Memorylythics.

Jorge continues to spearhead the urban arts scene, sharing his work at the DEN bi-monthly session, and utilising the power of a JET8’s community app. Jorge’s work on the night will be filmed by a professional crew, and fans can access the videos by downloading the app and creating their own selfie-art!

The app will be available at the JET8 App store:

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