What time will you be home tonight?

Bijan Sabet
2 min readSep 10, 2013


I got up at 5:30am today and went for a five mile run.

I came back and saw my son James in the kitchen. He beamed and so did I. I got a big hug even though I was crazy sweaty. I’m sure I didn’t smell great either.

“What time will you be home tonight?” he asked.

I looked at my phone and said I can make dinner tonight.

He raised both arms and said “yay!”.

Good story so far right ?

Not exactly.

The thing is I don’t get home for dinner enough. I wish I could have told him right then and there that I will make it home every night for dinner. But that would be a lie.

It’s hard for me to complain about this life. Our family is healthy and all is great with my work. And while the start of school had a few initial bumps, kids seem to be where they are supposed to be (two out of three kids in new schools). Anyway all is good.

But as I look back at this past year it’s clear that my travel schedule has left a mark at home. I think I have hit Logan airport just about every week or so since the new year. That was likely what led to my recent two week break at the end of August.

Anyway I’m back and at it. I am going to hit the airport again later this week but I’m going to take in and enjoy every minute of our dinner tonight.



Bijan Sabet

proud alum of @twitter & @tumblr board, venture capitalist, photographer, optimist & making a life with @laurensabet & our three kiddies