Hyperbridge’s Token Sale 101: Everything You Need To Know

Anya Phan
3 min readNov 9, 2018


Dear Hyperbridgers,

We are super excited to announce that Hyperbridge’s public token sale is about to be launched in less than 24 hours, on November 10th at 9AM PST! This post includes all the details you need to know to participate and contribute.

What is HBX?

Built by Hyperbridge, HBX tokens are used to fuel the decentralized protocols underlying BlockHub. BlockHub is an adaptive digital platform for next-generation content deployment. It is designed to let game developers and players productively interact in mutually beneficial ways.

Developers will be able to simply and efficiently crowdfund and promote their projects on BlockHub, while players will have an access to a vibrant marketplace with the ability to directly vote on and contribute to the development of their favourite games. Learn more about our project via Hyperbridge’s whitelist.

How are you going to distribute HBX?

HBX will be purchasable over a month, from November 10th till December 10th both on our platform and LATOKEN exchange listing. Our soft cap is $400,000 USD equivalent of ETH. The hardcap is $18.5MM USD equivalent of ETH.

Each HBX token is $0.055 USD, and can be purchased with ETH at the current price of 0.00025 ETH per HBX (Based on a locked conversion of $220 USD per 1 ETH). Any unsold tokens will be distributed evenly to token holders.

How can I participate?

  1. Sign Up to Our Whitelist: Input Your Ethereum Address
  2. KYC: verify your identity
  3. Receive an approval confirmation from Hyperbridge via email.

We made the process easy for you. You can just download and KYC directly within the platform. To do that simply download, install and create an account within BlockHub.

If you want to use web instead of the app, you can manually enter your Ethereum Public Address, and we have built-in MetaMask support as well.

After logging in your address, you’ll be asked to provide your identification information to send to our KYC partner Veriff. They will store it securely and start the process.

Please refer to our earlier blog post KYC — It’s Time for detailed steps on how to complete your registration.

What can I do with HBX tokens once BlockHub comes live?

You will be able to purchase and receive HBX tokens by:

  • Selling game items
  • Curating game information in the store
  • Bug reporting
  • Game promotion
  • Product testing
  • Polls/Questionnaires

With HBX tokens you can:

  • Contribute to crowdfund projects
  • Purchase products within the store
  • Vote for the direct of game development (staking)
  • Receive 10% discount on all transactions

As a reminder our Public Token Sale starts November 10th at 9AM PST.

If you have any other questions about it please check the FAQ or join our Telegram and ask away.

Thank you for your support and to a successful future! 🚀

