Follow These 5 Practices Daily to Increase Brown Fat in Your Body

Science can help you convert white fat into brown fat for accelerated weight loss.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A women doing plank on medicine ball.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Are you tired of doing everything right but still not seeing any results?

Do you feel like weight loss is a bigger challenge than climbing Mount Everest?

Are you afraid of fats? Don’t be, you need to chase after brown fat to accelerate weight loss.

There are two types of fat in the body. White Fat and brown fat, also known as the Brown Adipose Tissue(BAT).

Brown fat is a good type of fat that can aid in the weight loss process.

Brown fat stores energy in smaller spaces as compared to white fat. But as we grow up we lose this fat.

A study found that brown fat can help you keep obesity at an arm's length and it can also prevent many metabolic diseases.

So, shed weight faster by aiming to increase your Brown fat with these five practices.

1. Try This Ancient Form of Fasting

The most popular weight loss practice. Everyone from Beyonce, Hugh Jackman to silicon valley executives credit it for better health and a smashing figure.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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