Mobile World Progress 2017

A gathering of developers to preview what’s coming to web technology

Diego González
Samsung Internet Developers
4 min readFeb 7, 2017


MPW Barcelona 2017


Join us at MWP17. March 1st, 2017. Mobile World Center Barcelona. Doors open 4:30pm. Featuring Web Gaming, PWAs, WebVR, and tools for the web platform. Tickets and registration:

Mobile World Progress Barcelona 2017

If you follow mobile tech, you know that Barcelona is one of those places you have to be near the end of February. And I’m not referring to the fact that temperatures are starting to get so much nicer or that Castellers season training has resumed, but to the fact that Mobile World Congress is right around the corner.

Well, turns out temperature and mobiles will not be the only things getting attention. We’re announcing a gathering of developers to preview what’s coming to web technology: Welcome to Mobile World Progress 2017.

Led by @torgo, join @ladybenko, @dontcallmedom, @salvadelapuente and myself (@diekus) in an discussion of web goodies headed to browsers near you.

How to attend?

The event is free and you can get tickets by registering in this link:


Belén Albeza, Mozilla

Intro to HTML5 game development

The Web is in better shape that never before to be a gaming platform.
HTML5 technologies allow us to create games, 3D and 2D, with a rich audio capabilities, support for gamepads, touch events, etc. If you are a web developer, but have not yet created a game, this talk is for you! We will see what the Web has to offer us for game development, which tools and libraries we have at our disposable, and some basic game development concepts to get you started with the tools of your choice.

Dom Hazael-Massieux, W3C

The Web Platform: use it, build it

The Web on Mobile is better than ever, and it will soon be even more amazing. Learn what’s cooking in the Web Platform, and how developers can bring their ideas and input to the next set of ingredients.

Salvador de la Puente, Mozilla

The Right Choice: When the Web is the right answer and why?

Going native or building for Web is a perennial hot topic in the mobile development space, but treating these alternatives as irreconcilable is naive. Nowadays, each option offers distinct opportunities and advantages. 2016 was the year we kick a bunch of technologies off: Service Workers, Web Manifest, Push and Sync to name a few, but that was not the end. Payments and Credential Management are taking off, and new insights from 2016 force us to reconsider the Web as a competitive platform.

Diego González, Samsung

Hypertextual Reality: VR on the Web

Virtual Reality has seen the launch of 5 platforms from different vendors over the past year and a half. Developer portal registrations, app store accounts and increasingly complicated workflows can hurt VR, and having a way of developing immersive experiences on an open technology stack is highly beneficial. One option is implementing VR on the web, coupling the open approach of the web technologies with immersive experiences of virtual reality.

Code of Conduct

The event’s Code of Conduct can be found here.

About Mobile World Center

The Mobile World Centre is a public-private initiative created by the Mobile World Capital Foundation and Telefonica. The Centre helps you to realize how mobile telephony and Internet are deeply changing our lives, how the ability to communicate anytime/anywhere has become one of the 21st century challenges, …, and how mobility offers solutions for the society organization that were unthinkable just a few years ago.

The Mobile World Centre is an open space for citizens. It houses a permanent exhibition and offers an agenda of activities related to current, trending and future issues and projects based on the social, cultural, technological and economic transformation brought by mobile technology. Therefore, it is a place to visit and experience, to share new approaches and opportunities, to enjoy and learn.


