7 Goals For 2022

I couldn’t come up with 22 Goals For 2022

Christian Behler
Age of Awareness


The title image for the story. You can see a typewriter with a piece of paper in it that has “2022 Goals” written across it.
Image by Markus Winkler from Pexels.

Yes, it’s another one of these stories, which pop up by the thousands whenever a new year starts. Setting goals shouldn’t be limited to only January 1st, but leaving our baggage in the old year and starting with a clean sheet is very pleasing to the OCD parts of our brains. 22 goals for 2022 would have been nice, but let’s be honest, completing one or two would already be a great accomplishment, so here are 7 goals for 2022 instead:

1. Waste less time

There are many ways of wasting your time, like scrolling through social media before doing something productive or cleaning your desk because you don’t want to do your taxes. We are all guilty of some form of procrastination. For me, it’s often indecisiveness. I have so many things that I want to work on, but I keep wasting time trying to figure out which is the most important, and then the remaining time isn’t enough to get started, so I just watch a random YouTube video. Just getting started with something is a lot better. Another project might be 10% more effective, but anything is better than doing nothing.

2. Say yes

You never know where your next opportunity will come from. Maybe it’s the random email you chose to answer or an offer that seems scary to accept. The unknown…



Christian Behler
Age of Awareness

M. Sc. Computer Science and Physics, Indie Game/Software/Web Developer, Writer, 3D Artist, and too many other interests. https://pingpoli.medium.com/membership