BitRewards WordPress and Shopify plug-ins

2 min readOct 16, 2018

BitRewards team continues to work on the deep integration of BitRewards into the largest CMS platforms. BitRewards loyalty program has been already integrated with Shopify, and now we prepared a WordPress plugin for publishing. Currently, we are undergoing a moderation process in WordPress MarketPlace and BitRewards motivation tools can be installed on any store built on both online platforms soon.

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system, which is supported by 60000 million websites — it is one-third of the whole internet! It is used by enthusiastic merchants, skilled developers, designers, scientists, and bloggers. Integration with WordPress will allow BitRewards products to access the market of over 1500000 stores all over the world. Shopify is an e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. There are more than 600000 of active merchants connected to the platform with USD 72 millions of sales in total.

Using the WordPress and Shopify plug-ins, BitRewards system is deeply integrated into the online store and allows a merchant to receive more accurate information from the platforms for more detailed settings of their reward system.

If you have your own or familiar e-commerce project on WordPress or Shopify and you want to install BitRewards tools on it, leave the connection request on

Our manager will contact you promptly, help with installation and customization and give a welcome bonus.

Find out more about BitRewards at our site BitRewards.Network

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Cashback & Loyalty Points in Cryptocurrency. Bringing rewards on blockchain to shops & shoppers. Working product, team of 20+, 5 years on the market