How to Smoke a Pipe

7 Rabbit
3 min readJun 30, 2015


Beginner’s Guide to Pipe Smoking by Ted

This might seem like a stupid title I know I mean its obvious isn’t it? How to smoke a pipe? But first thing’s first we need to talk about inhaling. With pipes you would inhale if you can at all at most about 20% of the smoke. Lets say for every 5 puffs you would inhale one. The reason for this is that pipe tobacco is a lot stronger than their brethren in cigarettes and if you were to inhale all of smoke from a pipe with every puff you would either puke or keel over because of the nicotine overload. Also once you inhaled a few puffs you would stop wanting to inhale anymore, trust me there comes a point when just the taste would suffice. Another method is to blow the smoke out of your nose for the small blood vessels inside your nostrils are great at absorbing nicotine also thus essentially if you want, none of the smoke need to go to your lungs at all!! You would get a nicotine high just like cigarettes with minimal harm if at all. Now moving on to how to draw on your pipe. Ofcourse You draw on it like a cigarette Duh!! However those of you who have tried it would know that its not that easy because with Pipe Smoking if you draw on it like you would a cigarette you would burn your mouth in no time. The pipe is essentially a tiny furnace that you would want to keep as cool as possible while you smoke, so you would get a nice cool smoke from the pipe coz you don’t want to burn your tongue with hot smoke. It sounds like a paradox I know, how could something that is on fire supposed to be kept cool. But I assure you there is a way.

The first thing is if you can hear the air whistling inside your pipe when you draw then you are doing it wayyyyyy too hard. Imagine sipping a cup of searing hot coffee or an excellent wine. You wouldn’t be drinking it all in one gulp would you? Same with a pipe treat it like wine you sip it. Slowly draw the air out like its something delicate like if your draw on it too hard it would break. Now there are different types of people so i will explain differently:

  1. Former or Present Cigarette smokers: how ever you used to draw on your ciggies divide that by ten and do that to a pipe. Trust me it sounds stupid but you would actually get more smoking drawing softly than drawing hard.
  2. People who never smoked: Think of sipping searing hot tea its the same thing.
  3. Cigar smokers: You know it already just keep doing what you are doing.

Also there technique called Popping where you draw in short soft bursts thats worth trying too. Another really important thing is your pipe will heat up as you smoke it but when it gets too hot to be comfortable in your hand then you might be smoking abit too fast, its time for you to set it down for abit and let it cool before you start again. Beginners will heat up pretty quickly depending on how your are drawing don’t be discouraged it takes abit of practice to maintain a nice smoking temp even I haven’t completely got it right yet.

Note: Have a care with new Pipes you will need to build a cake inside the pipe chamber to help protect the briar from the burning so don’t go nuts and smoke it blazing hot!! Chill dudes and ladies set it down you can always relight it when it cools down. I will explain how to break in a pipe in another article.

Enough of me blogging now watch this video this guy has good advice:

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