Bluejay Band Boosters Scrip Fundraiser Q&A

Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal
3 min readDec 2, 2015


Jon: I was wondering if you could summarize what the Scrip Program is, so I can share it as a quick news bite on Facebook. Are you selling gift cards, or does a percentage of purchases made with the gift cards go towards the band program? I just wanted to get clarification. I am going to reshare your explanation from Facebook but you can add additional information at the document below. Thanks!

Band Boosters: Sure. When families place orders for scrip, they pay full face value for the gift cards.

So if someone orders a $100 gift card for The Home Depot, they’re paying you $100 and getting the full value of what they paid. Now, when the band boosters place an order with Scrip, we pay less than the full face value for cards (2–13% less, depending on the retailer). The Home Depot, for example, offers a 4% rebate, so the band pays $96 for that $100 gift card. What happens to that $4 difference? It’s awarded to our students account as a rebate!

Scrip shines when our community uses it for as much of their shopping as they can, and with over 700 retailers available on (including some of the biggest in the country), they’re sure to find many of their favorite stores and there are plenty of cards available that can be reloaded at any time by logging into their scrip account. A card can be reloaded in as little as 10 minutes.

We offer scrip for gas, groceries, clothing stores, restaurants, home improvement, entertainment… the list goes on! It’s easy for one family using scrip to generate $600 — $1,000 or more in one year; the more families start shopping with scrip, the more our students earnings will grow.

If anyone would like to place an order, they are more than welcome to e-mail either Tim or Kim and they will get everything taken care of. If a family would like to sign up for the Scrip service and have this service available right at their fingertips, let us know and we will guide you through the process. There is a special code needed to make sure that the Shepherd Band Boosters student accounts are credited. We have several families using the service and have easily raised enough money to have their children’s band camp and band trip accounts paid in full just by shopping like they normally do every week.

The kids are currently raising money to pay for a 2016 trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania and 2016 Band Camp. Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our fundraiser. The kids appreciate the support tremendously!!!

Jon: So, are the cards pre-paid cards which are for specific stores? In your example concerning Home Depot, would i need to buy the card first, then make my purchase? Or, is it one card that works at several different stores?

Band Boosters: Yes, they are for specific stores. If you look at my first post on the facebook page you will see the brand lists and the percentages each store rebates back. You buy the card and then take to the store to make your purchases. When you have a scrip account set up, you have the choice of physical cards (which are mailed) or printable receipts that you take to the store and are scanned by the cashier. I encourage you to go to the site and take a look. smile emoticon

Jon: Okay, thanks



Jon Morgan
The Shepherd Journal

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