Community Spotlight — December 2018 Edition

Justin Renken | Blog
Published in
9 min readJan 9, 2019

December is a wrap! We at ARK are proud of our determined and bright community, and our monthly Community Spotlight newsletter will keep you apprised on some notable community activities. Let’s dive into just some of the ways the ARK community shined in December 2018.

ARK Q4 2018 Infographic by ACC and Community Member ‘dvdptr’


As they say, the best things happen with help. That’s why ARK runs monthly bounty programs for coders who contribute to our codebase on the ARK Ecosystem GitHub. Independent programmers can work side by side with our international team and make the ARK toolkit even more powerful and stable. Earn ARK tokens for ‘commits’ (completed tasks) and win larger monthly ARK prizes as well. This 2018 GitHub Bounty structure has recently changed for 2019 and can be followed here.

Here are some featured commits for December. Features may not be live until the next update:

  • GitHub member ‘ItsANameToo’ crushed it in December, completing numerous tasks including making the time show consistently in the wallet, so users keen on 12h time formats can see transactions in that vein. ItsANameToo also fixed a bug relating to AIP13 URI scheme (AIP13 helps make the new Ark Pay module super intuitive).
  • GitHub member ‘dated’ also sports a very long list of tasks and accomplishments in December, including one of my favorites — remembering the transaction row count in the desktop wallet on next launch. You no longer have to reset the number of visible rows each time you launch the wallet. Dated also performed numerous UI improvements.
  • GitHub member ‘highjacker’ went crazy on ARK Docs, helping to keep them up-to-date and deprecate ARKv1 content.
  • GitHub member ‘kalgoop’ implemented a duplicate address verification check on wallet import, smoothing the user experience if they accidentally try to import twice.
  • GitHub member ‘JeremiGendron’ improved the “create profile” workflow so the user can more easily follow along and know what to do.
  • GitHub member ‘ciband’ went to work, improving the C++ client and crypto APKs on multiple fronts.
  • GitHub member ‘paroxsym’ performed tasks on the new ARK Core.
  • GitHub member ‘Pedro-Souza’ had their fingers in numerous repos performing fixes and improvements.
  • GitHub members ‘vmunich,’ ‘zillionn,’ ‘vulet,’ ‘alessiodf,’ ‘KaiserKarel,’ ‘mufaka,’ ‘Nigui,’ ‘ckhatri,’ and ‘Z-a-r-a-k-i’ handled numerous tasks, fixes, chores, and features across multiple repos.

Multiple coders are contributing to the ARK toolkit 24/7, and you can too — it’s fun, rewarding, and you can earn ARK tokens as well!

This guide will show you how to get started.


The Ark Ecosystem Subreddit is a great place to seek ARK knowledge, and you can always find new and engaging content there. New to ARK? Check out my Welcome to ARK Reddit Post with simple instructions to follow.

Here are some notable December posts:

MattyBv3’s Cookies

You can browse more content and contribute your own voice to the ARK Subreddit- who knows, you may even receive an ARK tip from a community member using Delegate Cryptology’s intuitive ArkTippr Reddit tipbot.


DelegateCompetition.Fund Launch, 30 Days Of ARK Entries & Crypto Love Interview
8 Things That Helped Me During Bear Market & More 30DOA Highlights
100% Community Questions & Nothing Else!


Some members mentioned in the community newsletter are ARK delegates, who secure the ARK network and provide community services. Their inclusion in the newsletter is in no way an endorsement from to vote for specific delegates, and you should always do your own research and consider all the options when choosing a delegate for whom to vote. does not run the ARK network.

Here’s the December 2018 Community Service Spotlight:

  • Delegate ‘The_Golden_Horde’ expressed intent to relaunch the ARK Community Digest series from within the upcoming ARK Herald news destination.
  • Delegate ‘Rising_Sun’ ran general bounties in December and posted submissions. Any community member can earn and win ARK for their creative expressions each month. Here’s how it works. They also generously agreed to provide some ARK each month to the ARK Community Committee for various project maintenance. Due to a recent structure change, Rising_Sun is now doing bounty awards every two months with double amounts, I believe.
  • ‘Msdhere’ updated ARK Trend Statistics for December.
  • Delegate ‘Jarunik’ continued his ARK recap video series, subscribe here (redditor ‘krenjPu’ made a silly tribute video viewable here). Jarunik also runs a continuous coding and non-coding general bounty service, with opportunities for both smaller and larger projects. Get involved here. In December, Jarunik released an article detailing reasons for supporting his new concept, and gave bounty updates here, here, here, and here.
  • Delegate ‘fun’ continued to run ARK games online with daily ARK prizes. Play them here.
  • Several delegates are organizing an ARK meetup in Utrecht, Netherlands on January 25th, 2019. Be there!
Image provided by ACC member dvdptr
  • A group of delegates launched the DelegateCompetition.Fund with an application idea contest and posted results. Winners are chosen by a group of community developers and node runners with close ties to the network. Subscribe to to receive updates on future competitions. Not all competitions will require technical skill.
  • Delegate ‘Deadlock’ released a new service, a Twitter account that alerts when delegates rise and fall out of the top 51 positions. Deadlock also runs for proposal listings and other delegate details.
  • Delegate ‘Cryptology’ implemented autovoting into his delegate service ArkTippr. Storing tips in your on-chain tipping wallet will no longer deny you voluntary voting rewards. Store larger ARK quantities there with caution, however. ArkTippr experienced a smooth transition to ARKv2, and now, due to dynamic fees, tipping someone has gone from a 0.1 ARK fee down to around 0.003 ARK in most cases, as of posting time.
  • Delegate ‘ARKland’ ran a New Year’s Raffle. ARKland is known for great raffles that the community enjoys, among other services.
  • ‘cambo666’ of Delegate Cam’s Yellow Jacket posted ARK Fantasy Football results. The campaign started before the delegate launched.
  • Delegate ‘Cam’s Yellow Jacket’ released a new online web presence. If you missed their latest video release, check it out below.
Delegate CYJ’s What is ARK DPoS Video


Our Cool ARK Community Committee Logo

The ARK Community Committee creates and deploys community resources through anonymous and sponsored ARK donations. The ACC’s first completed project is ArkTimeline now supports URL query string, to create links leading to custom views! During November, preparations took place for codename Project ‘LAUDE’, and the first phase of the project is launched and ran throughout December on

30 Days of ARK Campaign, running throughout December on

Dubbed ’30 Days of ARK,’ this month long campaign ran on the ARK Subreddit and asked everyone to provide their thoughts and opinions on 30 ARK concepts. Delegate ‘Jarunik’ has graciously provided ONE THOUSAND ARK you will earn proportionally by word count. Anyone can learn about ARK straight from the mouth of the community, as well as earn ARK by contributing content.

There is still time to submit your comments and earn ARK!
Threads will be locked on January 15th.

First, read details, rules, and submissions here.

Then, contribute comments on any of the posts here, until January 15th:

After the threads are locked on January 15th, the ACC will come together to design a community website resource that immortalizes these submissions, making it even easier for future newcomers to catch up on ARK.

To join the ACC, locate me on which by the way, just increased its powers significantly with new bots, features, and feeds, courtesy of CMO Travis Walker’s oversight. ACC Projects are funded after the fact and pay is not guaranteed (fun is, though).


If you have an idea for an ARK project, small or large, and you are looking for funding, consider submitting a proposal to the ARK Community Fund for review. The ARK Community Fund started as a community initiative, and the elected board reviews ideas and projects that enhance ARK. Their website is ArkCommunity.Fund.

The opportunities that ARK Ecosystem provides are ever growing, and there are many ways you can get in on the action. To reach me, you can contact me on the ARK Slack or Discord: @Justin (doubled1c3).

Looking forward to January!

Follow us on social media ( Twitter | Facebook | Reddit ), join our community ( Slack | Discord ) and stay tuned to our blog on Medium and on Steemit.

