Hiveterminal: Friday Community Update

Gal Jakič
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2018

Since Hiveterminal has launched, our priority has shifted from development to sales. We have a pipeline full of partnerships, planned to cross-promote Hiveterminal to audiences and user bases of various organizations, who joined our Hiveterminal Ambassador program.

Since the launch of the program, 80+ accounting services have joined Hiveterminal, using the platform as a way to secure liquidity for its small and medium enterprise clients. We have temporarily put these emails on hold in the interest of pushing a fully localized version of Hiveterminal beforehand. The marketing team, with assistance from various other department heads is now putting the finishing touches on the complete translation of the Hiveterminal website, invoice buyer and seller registration manuals and handbooks, marketing materials, terms of use, privacy policy, and registration forms to remove any potential language barriers between our mission and future clients.

Hiveterminal is definitely on track, becoming the first blockchain-based fintech with a product in the invoice financing space, solving the problems of and facilitating high-return investment opportunities in the real economy. Yet our team hasn’t forgotten about the 2234 crypto enthusiasts who have enabled us to walk on this path in the first place. While our heads may have been focused on acquiring users and getting the invoice sellers to upload their invoices to Hiveterminal market, we find ways to excite our community and spread the word about our vision and mission in the blockchain space.

We’re happy to announce that Hiveterminal has now become one of the less then 200 token teams using Blockfolio Signal, a new communication feed between token teams and users of Blockfolio — the #1 cryptocurrency portfolio tracker on the market today. Our messages will now be broadcast to all the Hiveterminal Token owners as well as a vast user base, that can opt-in to be notified of our announcements. Utilizing the push notifications, delivered straight onto the phone screens of an interested audience, Hiveterminal will now be supported in yet another blockchain-centric product that is trying hard to spread the adoption of blockchain far and wide.

We have more than 15 different events lined up until Christmas. We barely see our sales team in the office, as they are busy booking one-on-one meetings to onboard invoice sellers and partners. While the year 2018 is coming to an end, we’re just getting started.

Stay tuned for more!



Gal Jakič

CTO @ Hiveterminal. 3x Paralympian, Extreme Adaptive Athlete. Founder @ We Wow Web. Dad to an awesome human being called Leo.