Metadium Update: Development Status and Roadmap

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2 min readMay 3, 2019

Dear Metadium community members,

Today, we’d like to update you on the current status of Metadium and provide more details about what’s coming next.

Mainnet Status

  • Total of 780,197 blocks stacked and 18,100 transactions on the network as of May 3rd.
  • Data Management feature including identity hub is planned for managing real identity data. Identity Hub — a replicated mesh of encrypted personal datastores, composed of cloud and edge instances (like mobile phones, PCs or smart speakers), that facilitate identity data storage and identity interactions.
  • Claim and Achievement feature is planned for approving/authenticating the identity data.

Official Exchanges

  • ABCC, Kucoin, and Coinsuper enabled deposit and withdrawal services for native META coin.
  • Bittrex and Upbit are in the process of finalizing the details to resume the deposit and withdrawal services, trading is active on these exchanges. Despite our efforts to speed the process it is up to the exchanges, but our team is supporting them to relaunch as soon as possible.

Development Status

  • We proceeded with the system design considering the expandability of Meta ID and the structure design according to the W3C DID spec.
  • The newly defined Metadium DID method has been registered at the DID Method Registry. For more information, please refer to the link.

Q2 Roadmap

  • Keepin App Update: Authentication feature (two-factor authentication and user authentication) with Meta ID.
  • Release of the Meta ID SDK for 3rd Parties with the authentication feature, upload on a SDK store.
  • Metadium Ambassador Program (MAP): the Creators team is being formed, we will announce when the recruitment for the other three teams starts: Tech Innovators, Pioneers, and Storytellers.

The whole Metadium team is working hard to deliver the best service to our community. We thank you for your continued support. Please join MAP if you’d like to become our ambassador.


Team Metadium

We are always open to feedback, so please get in touch. Follow us on Medium, Facebook and Twitter, and join our Telegram Group to receive the latest updates. Download our Keepin application on the App Store and Google Play.




Metadium powers identification, authentication and crypto transaction management, providing AML compliance and risk management solutions.