PoW Algorithm Update — GET READY!

GRAFT Blockchain
1 min readFeb 28, 2019


After extensive deliberations, community feedback, research and testing, we are settling on a new tweak called CryptoNight v8 ReverseWaltz for the time being — it is based on Waltz’s number of iterations and small change in shuffle operation. We will be monitoring a promising CN-gpu algorithm with potential switch to it in the future.

The fork is tentatively set for block height 299200 (03.07.2019, appr 11:00 CST US)

We’re made several pull requests into popular mining software projects, waiting for Xmrig in particular to approve the pull request as critical path to mining support.

Testnet for CryptoNight v8 Reverse Waltz



Originally published at www.graft.network on February 28, 2019.



GRAFT Blockchain

GRAFT Blockchain enables using any cryptocurrency at the Point of Sale. Natively