Four Mistakes I HAD TO STOP MAKING as a Writer Wannabe

And how I corrected them


I wanted to be a writer, but I had more bad habits than stories to tell. I whittled the number down to four and found answers to each one.

Mistake One — no particular time or place to write.

When I wanted to write, I would do just that. Want to write. I would think about it and imagine being a writer. But there was school work, and then there was actual work.

When I got married, my wife and I began a family. The saying is “letting the urgent displace the important.” And there was generally something urgent going on.

My desire to write was not even on the important scale, much less the urgent one.

What I finally did. I set an appointment with myself for the same time and place every day. It did take a few weeks of adjusting until I found the best time that worked for all seven days of each week. That finally removed one agonizing (for me) pre-writing decision from my plate every day.

Mistake Two — no particular writing goals.

Whenever I did eventually pick up a pen and start writing, I had no idea of how long I would do so. I may work an hour, or I might work ten minutes. I…



Don Martin, real-life writer, model, & influencer
New Writers Welcome

If I had a dime for every time I didn't know what was going on, I'd be asking, "Where's all this money coming from?" ⭐