Boost Your Mental Health by Adopting the *Scientifically-Proven* Best Anti-depression Diet

15 easy ways to add these anti-depression foods to your diet.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A healthy breakfast full of fruits and vegetables.
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Depression is not caused by the chemical imbalance in your brain.
The age-old theory has been proven wrong.

This recent study dismantles the serotonin theory of depression.

A meta-analysis of 30 studies found no real evidence that serotonin levels induced depression.

But there is a barrage of studies that link diet with depression. Your diet has a big impact on depression.

Studies prove that you can reduce the chances of depression and even cure it by changing your diet.

So, don’t blame depression on your brain chemistry instead make a courageous change in your lifestyle to improve your mental health.

The worst diet for depression

Gut microbes have a bigger function than digestion, they regulate your mental health and well-being.

So, beware of what you are feeding them. Some of these tiny bacteria are wicked as they induce sugar cravings, which can change your brain.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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