Tobigca FAQ : Second

Tobigca Official Blog
2 min readMar 21, 2018


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 2nd

1. When will it be listed?
December 2018 is the target.
Please refer to the following schedule:
(i) Pre-sale (ii) Open Tobigca platform (iii) Texasholdem blockchain version open (iv) ICO (v) Add table card games (vi) Listing

2. When will the game be launched?
We plan to launch Texashold’em blockchain version after the Tobigca platform development is completed. It will be available in 3Q 2018.

3. How do I get dividends for pre-sale participation?
Tobigca’s dividends are distributed from the revenue generated by the game.
Also, there are ‘special dividends’, only offered to pre-sale participants.
On the second day of the month, 00:00 (GMT), the qualified pre-sale participants will be receiving 20% of the game revenues.
Qualification requirements shall be reviewed for pre-sale participants at the end of every month. The eligibility shall be in force if you maintain 1,000 TOC for more than 30 days.

4. How do I participate in Pre-Sale?
(i) sign up (ii) join the pre-sale (iii) check your e-mail address and Tobigca wallet address (iv) Transfer your ETH from your wallet to Tobigca wallet (v) capture information at ( and send it to e-mail (

5. When will the license be acquired?
Acquisition of the license is currently under legal review. We’ll notify further development on our web site.

6. When will my wallet be opened?
Tobigca platform is currently being developed on Hyperledger.
The development will be completed in the first half of 2018. The wallet will in service upon the completion of the Tobigca platform.

