My 1 Minute Twitter Growth Hack

One minute and I got all my friends talking about my Twitter account.

Justin Fowler
2 min readMar 23, 2014

I’ve been trying to up my Twitter game recently by following more interesting accounts, @replying to more tweets, and participating more. When I started to do this account growth, @SomewhatJustin was following about 130 accounts and had about 385 followers.

The One Minute Process

I was about to start following some new accounts, but I wanted to keep a list of the accounts I was already following, in case I wanted to go back to it. I opted to create a Twitter list to store all of the accounts. I created a new list and gave it a name. I called it “Best tweeters”. Using, I added all of the accounts I was following to this new list. And that was it.

The Results

One thing I learned is that several people get notifications when they are added to a list. I did not know that. A few minutes after adding everyone to the list, the tweets started coming in about how flattered these people were that I added them to a list of “best tweeters”. I even got some growth out of it (currently at 399 followers). The list even came up in conversations I had with friends, and all I did was make a list.

Why it works

Who doesn’t like a good compliment? Being featured on a list called “best tweeters” by a real account is a decent compliment in my book. It sparked buzz. I only added about 130 accounts. I certainly could have created a much bigger list for even better results(500 accounts, maybe even more).

Feel free to follow me (or add me to your list!) on Twitter: @SomewhatJustin.



Justin Fowler

Find me on Twitter @SomewhatJustin. Product Manager at Upswing.