5 difficulties you may deal with while preparing for the trip

3 min readFeb 14, 2019


All of us love traveling but sometimes preparing for the trip can discourage you from going somewhere. Not a single trip can happen without those things but why everything is so difficult?

  1. Choose a country to go. The world map includes 251 countries, at the same time to choose a country, to spend your holidays in, is so difficult. You always want to go to some new unique place. But that place is a way to far, climate at that one is not suitable for you, that’s too expensive and not the right season. This resort is just for young people and this one for older ones… And in the end, you tend to spend your vacation on a time-tested resort by you or your friends.
  2. Find a fellow traveler. You are lucky if you have a life partner you can travel all the time with. But if you don’t the question arises who should you take with you. A good company is 70% of success. Admit it’s not cool when you rise with the lark, and your companion barely opens his eyes by noon, you like to spend your evenings quietly over a glass of wine, and he is at noisy clubs. You want to see all the sights and he all the restaurants and bars. This difference in views can completely spoil all holiday.
  3. Visa application. Why it is always necessary to collect all these documents to get a visa? Have you ever filled out a visa application? Sometimes it seems that you are not going to Spain for a week, you are getting a job in the FBI. They even need your fingerprints.
  4. Book accommodation and buy tickets. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to go to an agency and pick up a tour there. But you’re a modern tourist who wants a non-standard trip for less money. That’s why you have to do everything by yourself. And if with a plane it’s all pretty simple just open the app and look for the cheapest ticket on the fastest flights. Then to pick accommodation… Why, why there are so many options on the internet: 5*, 2*, hostels, apartment rental. You like a kid in a candy store, you want to live everywhere.
  5. Pack a bag. Who likes to pack their bags? Every time you packing, you try to put there literally everything you have. 10 t-shirts, 5 sweatshirts, 3 pairs of jeans and it does not matter that you are going just for a week, and the weather forecast promises that the thermometer will not fall below 25°C. And of course you need to take an iron, a road kettle and a book that you couldn’t start reading for half a year, but on vacation, you will definitely read. As a result, at the airport you are standing in front of the scales and urgently trying to take something from the suitcase and put it to hand baggage, to not pay for the overweight. Half of these things will never be taken out of the suitcase, but you will never learn the lesson and the next trip you will go with the same unread book.

In fact, these are just little things, no matter what country you choose, adventures can be found everywhere. Getting a visa it’s just a formality that will be quickly forgotten. Make a strong-willed decision, book the first hotel you like, take half of the stuff out of the suitcase. And most important, carefully choose your companion. If there is no right person in your surroundings you can use sharing services like EasyGuide. Thanks to EasyGuide you can, not just find a companion but also friend for life. Do not be afraid of difficulties, the traveling is worth it!

The author of the article is Valeria Polozova, copywriter of EasyGuide




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