Aunite Group is running the conference in Germany!

1 min readMar 13, 2019


Dear readers,

Our Corporation is developing in European markets! On February 2, we’ve conducted our first Forum in Dusseldorf. In just a month, following the numerous requests of our partners, we made another conference in Kirchheim. The events aroused the great interest of businessmen and customers of the cashback service.

Popularity and demand of our marketplace platform are growing in European countries. Only in Germany, over 300 new business partners have joined the Aunite Group over the past 2 months. By the end of 2019, we are planning to grow this figure dozens of times so that users of cashback services from European countries could enjoy as many special offers and discounts as possible in their favorite stores.

The growth of the Aunite Group in the European market will allow the AUNIT holders using our token as a means of payment. Expansion of out cashback service throughout countries drives the development of the AUNIT application and enhances options we can offer to every one of you. We believe that the European partners of the Corporation will grow their number by several times this year. With all that, our plans to expand the application opportunities of our token will be implemented by 100%.

Best regards,
The Aunite Group team

