Latest News Reports on France

Tyler Miranda
3 min readFeb 24, 2015

In the past week, the country of France has encountered multiple eye catching stories ranging from terrorism to new fast food eateries.

With ISIS striking fear into the hearts of Europe, France executed their anti-terrorism measure for the first time at the airport in Paris this past week.

Because of the increased security around France, the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, has met with social media giants Twitter and Facebook to discuss the possibility of terrorist propaganda on these outlets.

Officers around France have been warned to erase their presence on social media in an effort to combat possible sleeper cells that could be activated at any moment.

Lorient players wear a T-shirt reading “We are all Charlie” for the victims of a sleeper cell shooting last month.

The French military also seems to be preparing for terrorist attacks, pouring $1-billion euros into a new branch of the military that will focus on cyber warfare attacks.

A Public Service Announcement, calling all Geeks and Gamers in France to apply for the new department of Cyberdefence in France.

Speaking of the internet, a video went viral of patrons on the Paris Metro not allowing a black man onto the bus before a soccer match between Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain.

Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain eneded up drawing 1–1

In other news, factory farms are becoming more rampant throughout France. The French minister of agriculture, Stéphane le Foll, recently said that industrial farms are necessary to provide “accessible” food for the country.

Five Guys, the fast casual burger joint based out of Virginia is looking to rival McDonalds in burger sales as the company looks to expand overseas in France.

Proposed building in Paris, rendered from an artist.



Tyler Miranda

Published Journalist and Photographer. Sports fanatic. Aspiring Law Student.