An Introduction to Queue Data Structure in Javascript

Everything about Queue Data Structure in Javascript

Elson TC
Published in
9 min readApr 21, 2021


Javascript uses a queue to track the code to execute. Your printer also follows a queue to track which document to print next. Hospitals use a system based on a priority queue to decide which patient to go in first. Point is, Queues are everywhere. From your favorite Coffee shop to your computer CPU and your server or network, the queue is an important data structure to learn about.

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This post is an improved and more detailed article version of the Queue Data Structure Series on Youtube that you can check if you prefer videos.

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What is a Queue?

Queue Data Structure is a collection of elements that implements the FIFO principle, First In First Out. Its main actions are enqueued to insert an element, dequeue to remove, and peek(sometimes referred to as peep) to look at the top element.

It is a linear data structure and also an abstract data type. That means that the elements are placed linearly one after another and that it is defined by their behavior rather than being a mathematical model.



Elson TC

Software Engineer sharing knowledge, experience, and perspective from an employee and personal point of view.