Get to know Cashaa’s Next Generation Banking System with Kumar Gaurav!

Cashaa Team
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2019

Dear Cashaa Family,

Following the Launch of Cashaa CMC wallet, we are going to launch the Cashaa exchange service directly within your wallet in February 2019, with fiat deposits and Developers API to start building on top of our product to leverage the features of the world’s first compliance wallet and security with institutional Bitcoin liquidity and banking capability.

Cashaa always believed in the community and before starting the marketing of the following products, we want to show the products to our community so that they can be the first to get the advantages and we can get your valuable feedback before opening it for the world. In light of this, we are announcing 4 weekly direct AMAs with Kumar, where he will show live with the community members and existing users the capabilities and features of our products.

Each hangout will take place from 15:30–16:10 GMT. Join us via Zoom here or find your dial-in number here. Let’s have a look at what you’ll learn in each session!

Compliance and security in crypto — 5 February 2019

After an overview over common issues in crypto around compliance, fraud, security and centralisation, Kumar will present how Cashaa’s CMC wallet is different to other wallets. You’ll get a live demo how to install and use the Cashaa wallet step by step, and get to know its advantages how it helps to keep your crypto secure and ensures all transactions are compliant, followed by an outlook on future developments, before we open the Q & A session.

Secure way to buy and sell crypto using fiat — 12 February 2019

In this session, Kumar will give an overview over the common issues with buying and selling crypto, such as around liquidity, ease of use and security. With our new Cashaa Exchange, we will solve all this issues, which we’ll present you together with a live demo. We’ll introduce the exchange details such as fees and limits, as well as what the next steps will be, before we answer any questions you may have.

Build on top of Cashaa — 19 February 2019

In our third session, it will be about helping your ideas and visions come to life! We will introduce our APIs for you to build on — our wallet API, institutional liquidity API, market data API, API for KYC/AML, merchant API as well as our vision behind building such an open system and our plans for the future. We are especially excited to discuss this topic with you and explore how we can work together with the entrepreneurs in our community!

Banking the crypto businesses — 26 February 2019

Our 4th and last session is about the biggest advantage Cashaa provides — we provide banking for the crypto businesses! Get to know the features of our coming IBAN accounts, fees and pricing, status on licenses and partnerships, as well as our global expansion plans.

As always, we’ll open the session for AMAs in the end.

We request users to join the sessions to know what Cashaa has been building silently in this bear market, to get ready for our global expansion with a solid product and service team when the time comes.

Do not miss to attend the live session to know the secrets of Cashaa before others know it!

However, for those who can’t make it, each AMA will be recorded and uploaded on Cashaa’s Youtube channel for the community members in consecutive weeks.

To follow our Cashaa Youtube channel click here to get notifications on the videos. You can also watch our other videos — make sure you press like and share it if you enjoyed them!

Looking forward to see you!

Cashaa Team

The Next Generation Banking Platform

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Cashaa Team
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The next generation banking platform for the next billion -