Lego Build 109 — Raven

Francisco Duarte
3 min readSep 14, 2023


Continuing a slight side-focus on the MechWarrior 4 classics, this week I bring you a long-time BattleTech favorite — the Raven. I really like this ‘Mech and most things about it. It’s an electronic warfare platform made to accompany other ‘Mechs which is something that makes complete sense. So, let’s explore it a bit.

By the end of the Third Succession War the Capellan Confederation was slowly becoming the sick man of the Great Houses, having lost more territory, more industry, and more prestige than all the others. It needed a game changer to remain relevant. Thus, it was decided to attempt to reintroduce the advanced Electronic Warfare systems from the Star League era. The resulting technology was bulky and ineffective, requiring a new ‘Mech to be designed around it.

The Raven wouldn’t be as effective as expected and only when new technologies were rediscovered during the mid-31st century would its potential finally bloom. Using newer and more refined ECM devices, the newer Ravens became a success, desired by all armies across the Inner Sphere.

This model is easy to make and uses 39 parts. The rounded and striking hull shape of the Raven was quite complex to emulate. I had a few ideas about how to do it, even using a 2x2 cone for the front and a cylinder for the back. I’m still contemplating about making another version in that fashion, although the prior results didn’t made me happy. Going about on how to do this machine justice, I eventually assumed I could take cues from both the MechWarrior 4 and MechWarrior Online versions, melding them together.

I hope this last approach brough the machine to life in the way one hopes for. Let me know your thoughts.

If you like this model and instructions and others like it you can give me a tip in my Ko-fi account and check other stuff I have there. If you’re intending about doing a Halloween RPG session this year you can check my horror RPG, or even other RPG stuff I’ve done.

Now go out there play games and enjoy your lives!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: