PUBLISH Protocol will reestablish the integrity of journalism through an incentive-centric news blockchain

ProBit Global
ProBit Global
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2019

With the rampant presence of shoddy journalism and even worse, intentionally fabricated news AKA fake news, this has led to a large proportion of society harboring a general mistrust of media sources. Whether for political manipulation or intentional bias, the true intention behind media publications is becoming a major concern for those looking for legitimate news reports and insightful content.

In a study conducted by The Reuters Institute, the results portrayed the gravity behind the rising trend of misinformation and substandard journalism:

  • In the USA, 67% were concerned about agenda-based stories
  • In the UK, 59% were concerned with stories that were made for commercial or political gains
  • In Austria, 62% were concerned with inadequate journalism

In the world of newspapers, print revenue is seeing decreases across the board as digital print continues to dominate trends. While the large scale and household name publications can weather the brunt of decreasing print sales with subscription payments and other forms of ad revenue, smaller publishers are left out in the cold without an economic means of survival. The fact that these independent publishers produce the majority of news is a further concern regarding the production and dispersal of up to date and quality reporting.

As major media outlets become consolidated, these current trends have all but effectively suppressed freedom of speech to a degree as the top media organizations continue to control the entire flow and direction of information at their own discretions.

Upholding the ethical standard of mass media

Korea-based PUBLISH Protocol is comprised of a variety of media outlets such as premier blockchain media organization TokenPost and blockchain consultant and developer KCHAIN. TokenPost will serve as the first company to adopt the PUBLISH Protocol ecosystem along with the utility token NEWS, which will be used to accomplish the incentive distribution facets.

PUBLISH Protocol is an EOS-based news production software protocol outfitted with a considerable incentive program and open network to facilitate the distribution and access to high-quality media content between publishers, writers, and consumers.

PUBLISH Protocol uses a hybrid approach in combining the selling points of decentralization while combining this with a strong rewards program to reengage readers who have become wary of news outlets.

Implementing the widespread use of PUBLISH Protocol by various media outlets will be the responsibility of PUBLISH Alliance, a group comprised of a variety of organizations dedicated to upholding the standards of media through blockchain technology.

Along with PUBLISH Alliance, PUBLISH Protocol also provides a state of the art, end-to-end digital newsroom software called PUBLISHsoft which also enables companies to create their own token for distribution purposes. PUBLISHsoft is essentially a one-stop solution to enabling the quick incorporation and scalability of PUBLISH Protocol for all interested media outlets.

Multiple tiers light the way

This is where the advantage of having an open source protocol really shines. Publishers such as news companies retain the ability to curate content and ensure that a steady diet of eclectic, yet accurate information finds its way to the people.

The ultimate decision will rest on their shoulders as to whether various content and media are approved on the platform. This system will give publishers, especially the smaller and independent based ones, an avenue to economic sustainability in a current era when the bottom line often supersedes quality content

Executing the will of the publishers will be the deputy directors, who will provide guidance and feedback to ensure community editors adhere to their high standard of media excellence. These community editors will be compensated in tokens by the publisher, and their task is to polish and edit articles accordingly.

Producers are the content creators who will be thoroughly screened by publishers to ensure their qualifications are up to the task. Quality work will be compensated and then distributed to content consumers, of which those in possession of tokens can earn more through participation such as leaving comments or reviewing content made by producers.

These critical consumers also essentially play a last line of defense against potentially fraudulent information as they are able to leave feedback and highlight and inconsistencies or potentially misinformed content. Publishers can then invoke their right to remove any content if they deem necessary.

Finally, the purchase of publisher tokens will also allow advertisers to gain increased exposure through the community, of which a portion of advertisement revenue will be used to provide additional rewards to the entire ecosystem.

This chain of tiers will ensure that publishers can once again entrench high quality and deserving news to regain the trust of the people and once again spur a variety of healthy and insightful discussions.

A well-developed launchpad for success

PUBLISH Protocol has also established numerous partnerships for a well-balanced foundation including InewsSH,, Momo Networks, CoinNess, Chaince Labs, TVCC, BLOCKCHAIN TODAY, Cardiocoin, Alexandria.IO, Ether Lab, Commons Foundation, Unlimit Tail, and Netease Korea.

Most recently, they have also consolidated the PUBLISHalliance even further through partnerships with education solution Academy Plus as well as the top Chinese mobile provider, DIGITONE. These significant additions will allow PUBLISHalliance to promote educational courses on the blockchain, strengthen education-related data security and transparency, and spread their wide range of media content to the massive Chinese network.

The majority of the PUBLISHalliance are blockchain, media, or tech-based, but PUBLISH Protocolwelcomes organizations of all sectors to establish a strong consortium for consistent and accurate journalism.

In order to participate in Tokenpost’s PUBLISH-powered news ecosystem, NEWS is required for several platform transactions. Most importantly, the PUBLISH Protocol requires the staking of NEWS coins In order to become a consumer, editor, or producer. They basically serve to function as collateral prior to official eligibility.

You definitely don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to purchase NEWS starting March 26 12:00 KST and be a part of the drive behind quality and informative news:



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