ZEEPIN dApps progress report

5 min readJan 25, 2019


Dear Zeepiners,

One year has passed since our ICO was completed and the year 2018 was a very important one for Zeepin.

Development of fundamental infrastructure that includes Zeepin Public Chain, ZeeWallet, ZeeScan, Zeepin ID, GCP smart contract protocols, Zeepin Chain Java SDK and Zeepin Chain compile files was completed and now serves as a robust platform for the launch of various diverse decentralized applications.

At the same time, we have been working on several dApps aimed at creative and entertainment industry and have been researching the best way to put them in real use.

Let's start with an overview of dApps that our developers are currently working on.

dApps for the creative industry


ZeeRights, one of Zeepins fundamental dApps allows creators to validate their works on blockchain and offers a copyright certificate. Once applied for copyrights, ZeeRights registers the hash value of the creative work and saves it on the chain with clear ownership and timestamp proof.

To tackle the global issues of copyright protection, especially for digital works, we started to develop a ZeeRights public API that will allow other platforms to use ZeeRights technology and allow their users with copyright validation service. ZeeRights.io will also be launched.

Using ZeeRights not only as a platform but also as a tool for 3rd party platforms will significantly increase the reach of this technology and start providing easy and free access to copyrights to any creator.

Completion: 95%

ZeeRights UI


Following ZeeRights, ZeeSure will provide copyright insurance in cooperation with major global insurance companies to protect your creative assets. ZeeSure will be launched not long after ZeeRights and will initially provide insurance for the Chinese market.

Completion: 70%

ZeeSure UI


A global blockchain-powered stock image marketplace. ZeeShots will tackle some of the issues the current stock image market is dealing with and will provide photographers with a fair and efficient way of selling the right to use their images to users all over the world.

ZeeShots UI

Main functions and UI of ZeeShots have already been developed and will continue to be improved in cooperation with photographers in order to provide the best user experience for buyers and contributors.

Completion: 95%


ZeeCreate quickly and effectively connects creative content with people in need of creative ideas. The embedded smart contract, linked to ZPTs with automated payment processes detailed in each agreement. ZeeCreate development is in the initial stage and will be released after ZeeRights and ZeeSure are deployed.

Completion: 85%

Entertainment dApps

CryptoGalaxy 2.0

We have been collecting your feedback about CryptoGalaxy and have currently been developing a new, highly improved CryptoGalaxy 2.0. Not only it will fully become fully decentralized and its assets being »blockchainized«, but it will also provide many new features and functions for users to interact, play and enjoy the space exploration.

Before the official launch, we will conduct a small-scale closed beta test to potentially improve the UX and UI.

Completion: 85%

Sneak peek at CryptoGalaxy 2.0

Download CryptoGalaxy 1.6 here.

Galaxy Play Store

Galaxy Play is a blockchain game and dApp publishing platform that provides account and payment solution for developers. Unlike other dapp platforms, Galaxy Play will provide an easy to use fiat gateway for all the players and universal account login system. More about Galaxy Play Store coming in the next article.

Galaxy Play UI

Other fun games are also being prepared for the launch of Galaxy Play Store.

Completion: 85%

With the use of recently released GCP-10, GCP-101 and GCP-30 standard smart contract protocols for non-fungible and fungible tokens, developers can now easily create new Zeepin Chain based assets and start using chains infrastructure for their dApps.

Documentation about the GCP protocols can be found here.

List of already available resources on Zeepin Chain:

Final thought

2018 was a year of global pessimism in the cryptocurrency market due to a long-lasting bear market, however, it has been a year of laying down fundamentals for Zeepin. With those in place, this year will be the year of dApps and growth of the whole Zeepin and Galaxy ecosystem.

While the interest in cryptocurrency and ICOs seems to be fading off, only projects with real business implications and products with profitable business models will survive the storm. As many dApps have been focusing too much on technology and not enough on providing a good user experience and design, our advantage of being able to bring design and development together will prove to be a winning recipe.

The whole team has been working 7 days a week with long hours to speed up the development of our dApps and formalize the new market strategy. Mass adoption of blockchain can only be achieved through the use of well-designed products and applications with a good value proposition for its users.

Big thanks to Zeepin community and partners.

Zeepin team


Website: https://www.zeepin.io/

ZeeScan: https://www.zeescan.io

Telegram: https://t.me/zeepin

News Channel: https://t.me/ZeepinNews

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeepinChain

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZeepinChain/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Zeepin

SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZEEPIN/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zeepinchain/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zeepin-foundation/

Discord: https://discord.gg/YcPhNXC


Website: https://cryptogalaxy.one/

Telegram: https://t.me/CryptoGalaxyOne

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHubGalaxy

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoGalaxyOne/




A decentralized network for creators & creative assets. |website: https://www.zeepin.io |