How to Solve Bitcoin’s Growing Environmental Problem

Once we implement widespread practical solutions, it will be game over for anyone who opposes Bitcoin on environmental grounds.

Crypto with Lorenzo
Crypto Insights AU


Image by Bogdan Irofte on Shutterstock

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Before you beat me to it, no, I am not referring to the recurring argument about CO2 emissions associated with operating Bitcoin mining equipment. I am well aware of this matter and have written an article covering this in extensive detail, outlining the measures being taken to resolve this issue.

So, if this has been resolved, what’s the issue then?

Well, sorry to break the bad news to you. There is one more thing we will need to address. Something that will become increasingly important over time.

Electronic waste (e-waste) associated with discarded Bitcoin miners.

Why is this an issue?

Just like many of our favourite devices — smartphones, tablets, computers, games consoles, etc. — these all need to be, rather, should be correctly managed to minimise air, water and soil pollution.

As Bitcoin’s hash rate (the amount of computing power required to successfully power mining equipment to process transactions on…

