Onedotoh, Christmas, Travel

One second a day — December 2013

Dan Pupius
1 min readJan 7, 2014
  1. Decorating plants
  2. Medium 1.o launch preparation
  3. Last minute debugging
  4. Launch check list
  5. Next steps
  6. Rainy SF
  7. North Face Endurance Challenge
  8. (Missed day)
  9. Liquid diet
  10. Strategy planning
  11. Matt Bors talking about his cartoons
  12. Cirque du Soleil
  13. Christmas sweaters
  14. Fireworks at Christmas party on USS Hornet
  15. Mission Bay
  16. Camlistore hacking
  17. Lights in Yerba Buena
  18. Medium Carols
  19. Real food
  20. Market Street
  21. Taking Ada to the vet
  22. Early morning with Eric’s running group
  23. SFO → LHR
  24. Christmas tree
  25. Christmas dinner
  26. Boxing day walk in the Peak District
  27. Windy time at Magpie Mine
  28. MAN → RAK
  29. Souks in Marrakesh
  30. Atlas Mountains
  31. Camel ride into the desert for New Year’s Eve



Dan Pupius

Englishman in California. Father, engineer, photographer. Recovering adrenaline junky. Founder @ Previously: Medium, Google.