Jibrel: October Update

Monthly Project Update — October 2018

4 min readNov 2, 2018


We’ve been busy building crypto-products we believe the community will love! October was a major success and we’re excited to begin User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the Jwallet Android and iOS applications. We’ve begun posting monthly updates to ensure the community can find the latest information on our product and business development.

Overall Project Status

While several delays have been experienced over the last year, across CryptoProducts and Blockchain Pilots, Jibrel’s overarching strategy remains on target and on-schedule. Pilots have experienced the heaviest delays, primarily due to the long regulatory / compliance processes we’ve had to complete to be on-boarded as a vendor / technical provider for our clients.

Sanitized extract from Jibrel Town Hall (Monthly alignment call) — October 2018 — Overall Update

Achievements, Challenges & Limitations

We’ve had a successful month, especially around compliance. We’ve built-on the achievements of the previous quarter and successfully met key objectives. Primarily around receiving regulator sign-off, as well as passing our first audit, becoming the first crypto-company in Zug, Switzerland (Crypto-valley) to do so.

That being said, we have previously struggled to scale effectively and have felt pain-points around certain operational activities such as Customer Support, Internal Reporting and Marketing / PR.

Sanitized extract from Jibrel Town Hall (Monthly alignment call) — October 2018 — Achievements, Challenges and Limitations

Human Resources

We’ve been fortunate to have been able to hire two top tier developers, Yuri, a talented QA Engineer who joined the Quality Assurance & Release Management team, and Andrew, an experienced and seasoned Python developer, who joined the Back-end team.

We’re pleased to announce the addition of two team members, Yuri and Andrew

Monthly Deep-dive

Understanding the Jibrel Product Stack

Every month, we focus on a key aspect of the business to discuss during our town hall. This month, we focused on the Jibrel Product Stack and how it aligns to the user experience. Most people have been confused as to when Jcash adoption will begin to uptick, but overlook that Jcash is the cash ledger for Crypto-products. By ensuring adoption of crypto-products, such as the Jwallet, we incentivize Jcash adoption, as users will be able to convert between ETH and stable coins seamlessly, without leaving Jwallet.

Monthly Deep-dive: Jibrel Product Stack


  1. We’ll be posting much more periodically to ensure the community stays up to date on our progress.
  2. We’ve been quite busy on the development side and hope to onboard User Acceptance Testers over the next month and begin rolling-out products!
  3. We believe the Jibrel product stack will own the Crypto-user experience.
  4. The Marketing and PR sprint is likely to kick-off towards the end of Q4 ’18, supporting / complementing our release schedule.
  5. We hope to improve JNT liquidity by listing on major exchanges before the end of the year

Thank you to the Jibrel Community for your continued patience and support! We hope this update and our recent product releases reinforce your belief in Jibrel !

If you require additional support or have a technical question, please contact the Jibrel Support Team. Alternatively, join us on one of our social media channels such as Telegram or Reddit!

Jibrel provides traditional financial assets such as currencies, commodities, debt instruments and securities, as standard ERC-20 tokens, on the Ethereum blockchain. Jibrel AG is a public limited company domiciled in Zug, Switzerland.




Jibrel provides tokenized financial assets such as equities, currencies, commodities and bonds, on the Ethereum blockchain. https://jibrel.network