I dare you to dream BIG

A message to the 14 years old me

Simon Rivest
3 min readJan 3, 2014

I wish i could go to the past and give myself this advice when i was 12 years old

  • I remember it like if it was yesterday , I was 14 years old I was in high school and the teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we will be older ,everybody wanted to be a lawyer , a doctor a real estate agent, a mechanic , a lumberjack , a personal trainer…ect , when it came my turn I told the class that i want to be a millionaire , that i want to travel the world that i want to drive lamborghini & ferrari , that i want to wear expensive suit’s , to live in a big mansion , to be surrounded by ambitious peoples just like me , that i want to be a mix of Donald Trump and James bond , for few second the whole class remains silence but from their facial expression i could see that they were not happy about my embition, my teacher then tryed to explain me that what i just told the class is impossible, he told us that it is not real life and since I was in class for students with ¨special¨ academic problem , I should quit dreaming about the life of my dream and start aiming for something more ¨realistic¨ like being a gas station clerk or at the most a plumber. I told them that whatever they told me i will never give up on my dreams and I will do whatever it take to accomplish my goal or die trying . I told the class that I will show them what i can do , that im a champion a winner, and that i will make a statement and my name will be remembered.
  • Since I never followed theirs advice to stop dreaming big, I passed for the idiots of the village. For the next 3 years i was in high school but it was well worth it because it made me stronger , everday my passion for success and achievement was growing and it made me who i am.

Im 22 years old and here’s what a list of what i’ve done in my life

  • I traveled more then I could imagine for my age
  • I’ve been coach by multi-millionaires
  • I drove a Lamborghini Gallardo LP-560-4 on the track
  • I owned expensive suit (1000$)
  • I used to own a BMW at age 19 , and it was all paid.
  • Im surrounded with amazing peoples that encourage me in my dream
  • I’ve lost over 80 lb’s in the last 12 months
  • the office where im working right now is right next to the Celine Dion’s office…..i can now say that Celine Dion is my Neighbor … that’s kind of cool.
  • I’ve been acclaimed one of the 3 best Canadian player in 2009 in my ¨discipline¨ when I was playing video game competitions.
  • in 2011 i’ve been awarded no.1 Business in Quebec and 3rd in Canada for growth in my ¨ex¨ network marketing company.
  • But the most important thing is that im in the best shape i’ve been in my life I do jogging and work out at least 4 time’s a week ,I practice martial art and I never felt so good !


If their one thing I would change if i could go back is to never limit how big you can dream, your attitude determine your altitude.



Simon Rivest

Network Marketing professional,B2B expert,Social Entrepreneur,Mover,Shaker,Record Breaker