Thank you for sharing in our success!

BLOG: A quick note of thanks to our community — it doesn’t do justice to our gratitude, or your support, but then nothing really could.

Crowd Machine
Crowd Machine
2 min readApr 9, 2018


Craig Sproule, Crowd Machine CEO — 8 April 2018

As you might imagine, until recently, we’ve been heads down preparing for the launch of our public token sale. Now that it’s underway, we’ve looked up, and are reminded of all the incredible people around us who have helped us get to where we are, and will continue to support our path forward.

You, our community, are what makes our success possible. Your feedback helps us grow. Your participation in our beta programs helps us supply the best product possible. Your excitement gives us energy, and lets us know that we’re really on to something here. Your engagement allows our community to grow, in size and strength. Your contributions to Crowd Share will allow anyone to make decentralized apps in a matter of clicks, and your participation in the Crowd Computer network will power these apps, changing the digital landscape as we know it.

We are so excited to see everything that we will achieve — that’s our team here, and all of you! Together, we’re building a brighter future, where more people than ever can participate in and benefit from the critical applications that power our world. We hope that you’ll take our gratitude (and rewards for participating in Crowd Share and Crowd Computer!) as a measure of how important you are to us. Keep an eye out for more exciting news from us, and ways to engage with your fellow Crowd Machiners. We can’t do it without you, and frankly, we’re not sure we’d want to!

Craig Sproule
CEO and Founder

To participate in Crowd Machine’s public token sale — click here.



Crowd Machine
Crowd Machine

Crowd Machine — where anyone can develop distributed blockchain apps up to 45x faster