$1700 on Medium? I’ll Take It!

May Medium Progress

Kate Brennan
Published in
6 min readJun 1, 2024


tempura paint rendering of chaotic squiggles labeled “how it’s going” and an easy line upwards on “how I thought it would go”; Alt-text for “$1700 on Medium? I’ll Take it”
Image from author

Welcome, Fair Wanderer!

In this monthly article I compile my Medium progress for the month. When I first arrived here, way back in January, fresh off the bus wearing my sundress, with nothing but a suitcase and a dream, I inhaled a plethora of these articles to learn how to navigate this platform.

I am now devouring more articles as I learn about Substack and Gumroad. There are a lot of them out there, and what I’ve discovered is that I really enjoy seeing how people achieve things. Following a unique journey and translating it to my own life is a fascinating experiment.

I much prefer hearing a single, detailed, personal account than reading a bulleted list of empty impersonal platitudes where people tell me to do something. I don’t want anyone else telling me to do things. I have enough to do.

And — nothing is one size fits all. I am always taken aback on the rare occasion when I see clothing that says it on the tag. Everyone is different. How could each approach be right for each person?

And that’s the crux of it. Perhaps we fear that in zeroing in, in focusing very specifically, that we miss the larger picture. That’s why people stay general. We feel this need to be all things…



Kate Brennan

More Humor. More Humanity. Avid Reader. Idea-Generator. Opportunity Matchmaker. The answer to “Did you make that?” is “Yes.” morehumormorehumanity@substack.com