TT Supermolot Neue: An Interview

Font Stuff
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2020

TT Supermolot Neue was the #4 bestselling font released on MyFonts in 2019. We wanted to know more about it’s design and talked to the designers over at TypeType foundry.

What inspired you to design this typeface? Were you designing for a specific use case or customer? Or were you more focused on a particular artistic vision? Or some combination of both?

The first version of TT Supermolot appeared in the form of one bold face from 2008, with very basic language coverage. Thanks to a rather simple and, at the same time, expressive drawing, the typeface has become very widespread, and now can be found in the most unexpected of places. For 10 years, the idea to enlarge the original design into a full-fledged family has not left me. I finally completed it, and the family is now called TT Supermolot Neue.

Walk us through the process of designing this typeface. Was there anything different about it, compared to your usual process? Did it come along more easily than others, or were there unique challenges?

TT Supermolot Neue is actually the fourth reincarnation of the typeface. We analyzed all our previous experience and took into account all the nuances that would help make the TT Supermolot design even better and more functional.

Looking ahead, are there new projects you’re excited about? Anything you haven’t tried yet but are eager to explore?

Looking ahead, we understand that the TT Supermolot Neue font family will likely have further growth. We want to make ultra-narrow and ultra-wide widths, as well as release a variable version of the design.

