Three Easy Tips to Deal With Anxiety Instantly According to a 100-Year-Old War Veteran

Do these techniques when therapy isn’t an option.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


An old war veteran wearing blue military uniform.
Photo by Carmen Attal on Pexels

In the last century, there was very little awareness about mental health. Only the upper class had the knowledge and means to visit a therapist.

People in that generation were proficient at keeping their feelings and emotions locked and buried deep in their minds.

They were masters at ignoring their trauma and mental issues.
So, you would think it’s pointless to ask a 100-year-old war veteran about his struggles with anxiety and PTSD.

But surprisingly he had a few good suggestions that can help you maneuver your anxiety easily and therapy isn’t one of them.

1. The best and most accessible way to beat anxiety

He is not a big fan of therapy, he believes in developing mental toughness like most people of his generation.

He has lived through the toughest times when depression, war, and riots were the norm. So, he had to grow a thicker skin.

Exercise was his therapy. He has maintained an intensive exercise routine even as a centenarian.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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