Give Up This Mindset if You Want to Ditch Binge Eating

Two strategies that can help you stop binge eating.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A woman hugging junk food.

Why do I always eat my feelings?

Binge eating is a psychological problem. Self-control will not help you cure this problem.

You can control binge eating by depriving yourself but it is a short-term solution that will definitely backfire.

You need to identify the cues to nip the problem in the bud.

All the Cues Have one thing in common

Here are the four typical scenarios that lead to binge eating.

  1. Boredom:- You are stuck at home with nothing to do. So, you wander off to the pantry to get yourself a snack.
  2. Procrastination:- You have a ton of work to do but not enough motivation to get off your butt. So, you grab a snack while waiting for motivation.
  3. Stress:- You have taken on so much responsibility, that you are actually crumbling beneath the mountain of work. So, you grab a snack while waiting for catastrophe.
  4. Loneliness:- You are finally free after a grueling week, home alone. All alone with no one to share a beautiful weekend. So, you eat your feeling while binging Netflix.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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