You’ll Definitely Boost Longevity With These 5 Weird but Easy Habits

No, it's not exercise, diet, or fasting.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Old ethnic woman in the mountains of Bhutan
Old ethnic woman in the mountains of Bhutan. Photo by Gaurav Bagdi

Everyone is chasing after a better and longer life. The mystery of the afterlife scares us all.

We want to be alive for as long as possible to cherish the people who love and support us.

You can achieve longevity it’s not as hard as you think. Live a good lifestyle and avoid dangerous situations to prolong your life.

You can follow these fun and weird habits to boost your chances of longevity.

1. You are missing out on the best source of protein

Protein is an essential macro that keeps your muscles healthy and agile. It’s a non-negotiable source of a healthy diet.

All meals are centered around protein. So, it’s not hard to get your daily intake.

But the source of protein matters more than you think. Beans are the best foods when it comes to longevity.

Research has proven that beans have wonderful effects on your health like no other food.

They are low in sodium and high in fiber and protein. They reduce cholesterol and boost heart health.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-