Call for Work: Future Possible: A Folio for BIPOC Writers

ANMLY invites BIPOC writers and artists to contribute to
our upcoming folio, Future Possible.

Sarah Clark
2 min readDec 30, 2022


What is possible in a future unbound by shackles of time, capitalism,
and systemic racism? Where can we examine the grief of our people,
reclaim stories of belonging, and tap into wellsprings of hope and

We want you to excavate themes of racial justice, inherited trauma,
root languages, sacred creation, ancestral healing, and radical joy
. Feel
free to break the manacles of convention with vulnerability and care
for our beloved community.

Show off your micros, flash, poetry, CNF, speculative fiction, art, illustrations, comics, hybrid works, and daring incantations under 2,000

Send your previously unpublished work to and we will be in touch if we are interested in publishing your submission.

This folio will be guest edited by Jen Soong.

DEADLINE: 1 March 2023 at 11:59:59 PM EST

The daughter of Chinese immigrants, Jen Soong grew up in New Jersey and now resides in Northern California. An alum of Tin House and VONA, her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Audacity, GAY MAG, Jellyfish Review, Witness and Waxwing. She earned her MFA in creative writing from UC Davis. Her memoir-in-progress is a reckoning of myth, migration and memory.



Sarah Clark

EIC & Reviews Ed @Anomaly ( NDN, two-spirit/queer, neurodiverse. Can’t pass a Turing test. Haunted house for a body.