Announcing the W3C Workshop on WebVR Authoring

Come discuss Opportunities and Challenges

Diego González
Samsung Internet Developers
2 min readOct 5, 2017


Brussels is the host city for this Workshop (picture by David Bruyndonckx)

WebVR has had a tremendous year! Firefox 55 stable has landed support, Edge now implements the spec, Opera has a built in 360/VR player, and a wide selection of controllers are accesible to use in conjunction with WebVR. If you are as excited as we are, you’ll be delighted to hear that we are announcing the first W3C Workshop on WebVR Authoring! We are bringing browser vendors, framework developers and content creators together for the time to discuss opportunities and challenges for WebVR! Join us at DigitYser in Brussels, this 5th–7th of December, by filling out this registration form.

“The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together WebVR stakeholders to identify unexploited opportunities as well as technical gaps in WebVR authoring.”

You can find the up-to-date information of the event in the official page, and be sure to submit your requests for topics and discussions to be held in the event in the GitHub repository.

The workshop will be preceded by a Hackathon at DigitYser 1st-3rd of December, in which developers working with the WebVR API will have the opportunity to present their work and join the workshop. More information to be disclosed soon! In the meantime, don’t forget to register for the Workshop here!

