How to Use Sankey Chart to Report Business Earnings via Python Plotly? Dell case study

IMU Framework Design
4 min readMar 11, 2024


Previously on How to Use Sankey Chart to report business earnings via Python Plotly? Part 1, Part 2, NVDA, we used AMD’s quarterly income statement to show you how to build a Sankey Chart and how to report these components dynamically by sourcing the data from yahoo finance instead of static numbers. In this article, we will use Dell FY24 Q4 Earning Report to demo few more stuffs including sourcing financials from pdf file, more layers of revenue breakdown.

Step 1: Download Earning report into Colab and scrape it via tabula.

import urllib.request

urllib.request.urlretrieve('', "Dell.pdf")

import tabula

# Open the PDF file
with open('Dell.pdf', 'rb') as f:
tables_6 = tabula.read_pdf(f, pages="6")
tables_9 = tabula.read_pdf(f, pages="9")
tables_12 = tabula.read_pdf(f, pages="12")

