We need AML/KYC cryptocurrencies in base

Timeus Lab
2 min readSep 11, 2018


Let’s be honest, we need AML/KYC cryptocurrency! Why?

Bcs many blockchain marketplaces or cross-border trade platforms need cryptocurrency who can have a chance to be adopted. I don’t think that ETF will be accepted by SEC or any over. To much risk. In over way, if it will be accepted it will cut pure product without any real buy/sell of bitcoin on market.

My point is that projects like blockchain marketplaces can use token today only like some inside coins. Similar to game gold coins. Without withdrawing to the digital wallet or exchange.

Only like this business can work with the platform without any local legal problems.
So, money comes in and out by banks, and platform use inside stable coins in cross-border trade.

But we talk about blockchain, where no one doesn’t trust to another one. So blockchain gives opportunity keep info of smart-contract in decentralized database or hash in the block. And this is a real decentralized and clear deal.

And cryptocurrency who give the government some things of transparency has a chance become first adopted crypto.

And business will have legal reason participate in the crypto world for trade, use clouds projects, run ETF and moreover things.

So, I recommend to you check Timeus blockchain project.

Roman Saidulin

