Disrupting The Six Prongs of the Empire

Ship Rogue-Like
2 min readJul 29, 2016


Ship Rogue-Like (SRL) is a single player, combat space simulator indie game that follows the epic battles of an anti-government prison escapee and an artificially intelligent ship. The game follows an open-world concept where you can utilize your spaceship to lavishly travel across galaxies.

In SRL you are being endlessly hunted by the Empire. You play as Charlie, who pilots a stolen a ship, a very special ship, which can not only upgrade itself using scrap metal, but can imbue drones and lifeless circuitry with artificially intelligent routines. In fact, the core gameplay in SRL is the finding of resources for upgrades, and the creation of little helpers to explore the galaxy with you.

Exploring a Nebula in SRL

Unfortunately, with the Empire being as vast as it is, it is difficult to imagine how exactly a little ship, with one pilot and a few drones, could hope to disrupt the Empire, which covers galaxies. But there is a method:

The Empire is a vast collection of planets all controlled by decentralized artificially-intelligent clusters hidden in the vast recesses of space. The Rebels have analyzed what allows the Empire to have a foothold on a system, and they have determined it is always six-pronged.

First Energy: the Empire needs access to energy, which is always harvested from stars, or a nearby sun.

Second Metals: the Empire requires trace metals and materials present in asteroid belts and near moons.

Third Gasses: the Empire requires gasses and other light elements that are present in nebulas and near gas clouds. Forth, Supplies: the Empire maintains supply caches, computer servers, and other hidden resources in dark locations of space, away from planets and populations. Fifth Military: Military factories are run that combine gasses, metals, power and supplies together to create all form of robots for the Empire’s fleet.

Lastly and Six, Planetary: Using the force of the five previous prongs the empire maintains its grips on planets, and therefore manages the local organic life with implants.

Thus, the rebels selectively disrupt each prong in space systems they want to free, and the hold of the Empire subsequently crumbles.

A Depiction of galaxy exploration structure.

The main characters SAM and Charlie, get wrapped up in this disruption, almost accidentally at first, as the story progresses.

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