
Photographs, Photography & Words
2 min readJan 10, 2018
Photographs — Alex Waterhouse-Hayward

In boyhood and youth my imagination was second only to my real life.

Now at age 75 my dreams seem to be more real than ever before and especially so as I wake up many times during the night. I can reflect on the strangeness of these dreams and at the very least I am aware that these recent realities of sleep are not real in my world of being awake.

American photographer Minor White ,who may have been the only photographer that I know of with Buddhist leanings into contemplation, wrote a lot about previzualization This concept was about looking at a potential photographic scene, imagining how to do it and then realizing it to the letter in the resulting photograph.

When my friend, a virtuoso concert pianist, informed me about a photographic collaboration with yours truly I spent a few hours of insomnia thinking of possibilities.

The possibilities involved the idea that as a young boy, waking up to the fact that girls existed, I wanted to know about them and principally about those forbidden and hidden differences that they did not share with me.

And so I took photographs of my Chickering baby grand the day before the session. It was fun to find out that the first image that I took with my Mamiya RB-67 loaded with discontinued Fuji 3200 ISO b+w instant film resulted in the very image from my imagination. What you see here is a Photoshop reversed version of the peel.



Photographs, Photography & Words

Into Bunny Watson. I am a Vancouver-based magazine photographer/writer. I have a popular daily blog which can be found at:http://t.co/yf6BbOIQ alexwh@telus.net