Sister, Sister: Tina Dreher, Sales Manager, and Haley Dreher, Sales Representative

Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2016


At Main Street Hub, it’s common for Hubsters to start calling their team and coworkers family.

Sometimes, our teammates actually are family.

Meet Tina Dreher, Sales Manager, and Haley Dreher, Sales Rep — two sisters from the Golden State who moved to Austin for a change of scenery and fell in love with Main Street Hub.

See what these sisters love about working together, their favorite story about teamwork, and why they love helping local businesses every day.

Tell us about yourselves.

Tina Dreher: “I am the oldest of four — Haley is 15 months younger than I am. We are originally from Northern California, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. We had never been to Austin, and we drove here on a whim looking for an adventure and a change. We’ve been living in Austin and working at Main Street Hub for almost two years.

“I love to do yoga, be outdoors, be creative, and go on adventures. I’m passionate about learning languages, cultures, and traveling.”

Haley Dreher: “After high school, I moved to Los Angeles for a few years to pursue my acting career and then, went to Northern California to finish college with Tina, which is when we decided to do something together when we graduated. The seed was planted in our minds for Austin, and we packed our cars, left our jobs, and moved here together.

“Personally, I’m really into sports and being outdoors too. I’m really creative and into music and movies — acting is my passion. My favorite sports team is the San Francisco Giants.”

How did you come across Main Street Hub?

TD: “When we moved home after college, we were considering working in San Francisco. One of my sorority sisters, who worked at our old San Francisco office, reached out and said, ‘You should apply to Main Street Hub!,’ and I didn’t look into it too much.

“When we moved here in February 2015, Main Street Hub had relocated to Austin and NYC. My friend from college reached out to me about the sales office in Austin — he had just moved from the San Francisco office.

“I fell in love with the company when I was interviewing here. I was on my way home. I remember getting the call that I got the job, and I was so excited! I got home and Haley was trying to figure out her stuff. We hadn’t originally planned to get the same job at the same company, but I told Haley there’s nothing better she can find than the culture I had just witnessed in that building.

“Haley ended up interviewing and got the job. My two-year anniversary is March 23 and hers is May 26.”

What’s your favorite part of working together?

HD: “We know each other so well, and we also know the job so well. We can totally relate with our own personal experiences. We have a balance of ‘I feel for you because I love you,’ but also ‘I’m going to push you because you’re more capable.’ We balance each other other out. It’s really cool.”

What’s the best thing that’s happened to you together at work?

TD: “One time, we were here practicing after work. We were both pretty new, still on the phones. We had two headsets, and we were both plugged into the same call. The local business owner was asking a bunch of questions, and we would each answer different questions. He thought we were one person. We ended up signing him up as a customer!”

What’s your favorite thing about working at Main Street Hub?

TD: “I think the obvious answer is the culture. The reason I love it so much is because it’s such a balance between fun and professionalism. I think it really helps shape you into who you want to be by challenging you in a multitude of ways. We have a good time getting the job done and really putting our customers first. I can’t rave about it enough. It’s so easy to say good things about this company.”

HD: “Same. (laughter)

“I think cold calling is one of my favorite parts of this job. You’d think if you follow the process, every day it would get easier, but you have no idea what the other person on the other end of the phone is dealing with — you have no control over that. It’s about how you Challenge Yourself to act and have the perfect way to help them. This job has really challenged me to rise to be more professional, and go to bed earlier, and be healthier so I can perform better for my team and my customers.”

What’s your sister’s favorite core value?

HD: “Tina’s favorite core value is definitely Take Ownership because I know it is. She actually won an award within the company for Taking Ownership. I am very proud. It is Tina’s inner value, even outside Main Street Hub. She always takes ownership to stretch herself and handle more. She’ll take any task and get it done even if it’s out of reach (because she’s five feet tall).”

TD: “Haley’s favorite value is Elevate Others. She’s constantly doing just that. I’ve heard other people say that as soon as they see Haley, they’re happier. Whether it’s a conversation or a smile or a hug or a high five, they just feel better because she’s around. Elevate Others is for sure her favorite value, and it defines her well.”

What do you love about helping local businesses every day?

TD: “One of my favorite things about this job is that we’re selling something that makes a positive impact. We’re creating thriving local economies. What we’re doing is actually giving business owners a voice so they can fulfill their dreams. We’re doing all the heavy lifting so ultimately, when a business does come on board, it’s a great partnership forever.

“It’s a great feeling to know as soon as you hit that gong [we celebrate winning for our customers by hitting a gong in the office], you’re helping people fulfill their dream and continue on the legacy of their grandfather’s pizza place or opening a bakery because it’s their passion. We’re helping fulfill the lives of local mom-and-pop shops — helping people discover community.”

HD: “We’re not just calling a business. We’re calling a small business owner who has put everything on the line to make this happen. Even if owners don’t sign up with us, at least now they know there’s an extension of their business online. Having a local business owner open up to you over the phone is really special. They have no idea who I am, but they’re telling me about their lives because they truly believe I can help them and fix what’s broken. It’s so beautiful.”

We’re hiring — check out our job openings here, and make sure to tell your siblings!

Did you miss our Sibling Spotlight on Darrick and Andre Price? Read it here, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram so you don’t miss the rest!



Main Street Hub
Main Street Hub

Main Street Hub is the marketing platform for local businesses. Trusted by 10,000 customers, we manage your social media, online reviews, and email marketing.