Self-Worth Through Service

Richard Silvia
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2017

5 Tips to Cultivate Core Care

Nature is the rehab of choice when in need of coming home to cultivate my confidence, self-value and values.

There is nothing like sitting on top of a sunbathed hot rock by a river to recharge and contemplate what has happened during the week or to find strength to move toward the next.

I bring a pen and journal with me — take in several deep breaths, close my eyes and listen. I listen to the water move, I listen to the trees bristle in the wind, and I asks the birds what song they have to sing for me today.

It could be a quick hike, a day at the beach, a trip to Saint-Tropez, or sitting in the park observing spring flowers, but honestly nature in some form does it for me every time.

Natural elements bring clarity. Nature aligns us with our inner thoughts, the ones that come from the place when we know — God is watching. In our stillness, we become the origin of I AM.

Self-worth means I am of service to something Divine. I am creating for the benefit of others. Self-worth, giving at its core, knows the value we bring wishes nothing in return. It is the joy we feel when we see someone else able to breath a little deeper due to our, or a collective, action.

I remind myself daily of purpose and reverence for a world much larger than I. In reverence, I feel connected with the planet, its people — and our Universe. In our connection — the question of self-doubt fades away — we become one with cosmic intent. And in our gratitude for the stuff we are made of — we know we are worthy.

I listen to the water move, I listen to the trees bristle in the wind, and I asks the birds what song they have to sing for me today.

How does our self-worth lead to well-being?

In our reverence for life — our thoughts soften into loving ones. Our softened self-love returns to itself within us. Our love speaks to our entire body — and in our pureness, we heal. With internal clarity we eat less and exercise more. We choose the energy we intake unto our body.

We recalibrate to a higher frequency, one that chooses to live awake and alive — choosing, moment to moment, from a menu of wellness that transform us into humans that habituate a life of well-being.

What can we integrate into our daily plan to cultivate self-worth?

  • Try stretching when you get out of bed, meditation, and reading transformation books.
  • Exercise. Find your sacred space in nature, and journal.
  • Practice gratitude first thing in the morning and last before drifting to sleep.
  • Help each other, your neighbor, your school, your children, and our aging community.
  • Get socially active and connect with others, support a cause you believe in.

OK, so you get the picture. Self-worth, value, self-esteem, self-confidence emerge from the inside out. Get deep with yourself. Don’t be afraid of what you’ll find — embrace it. Living a life valued from the inside out is so — worth it.

Namaste. 🙏

Originally published at on February 27, 2017.



Richard Silvia
Thrive Global

Writer of Dreams, Music & Inclusiveness. Founder #YesRising