Announcing New SEO Feature

2 min readDec 20, 2016


This is the end of the year, a period to step back and see the bigger picture. We want to take this opportunity to announce you a major update in SEO4Ajax.

So far, all our attention was focused on the core features of the service. This way, during the past months, we notably improved the reliability of the snapshot process by replacing PhantomJS with Chrome. We also added new features like the dashboard in the console to give you an oversight of bots’ traffic, and the authenticated API so you can fully automate the use of our service.

However, we were still feeling that something was missing in order to offer you what you would expect from a service like SEO4Ajax.

Today we are very glad and proud to announce the release of a new feature called “SEO reports”. This new view is, from now on, accessible through the console as shown in the screenshot below.

SEO reports view in the console

These reports are intended to give you hints about how to improve and fix issues in the structure of your site, from a technical SEO point of view. Currently, they will help you to identify the following SEO issues:

  • duplicate titles and contents
  • pages with empty titles
  • pages with low word count
  • broken links
  • missing hreflang tags

During the next months, we plan to add new reports but we need your feedback to know precisely what you need. That’s why, during the beta, this feature will be free of charge for everyone. Today, it is enabled by default for the users with a paid plan. If you are on a free plan, just send us an email to to request an access to the beta.

— Yannick, co-founder of SEO4Ajax

