Onset of Spring Cup !!!

Keiichirou Takasu
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2020

Hello from the CryptoDerby team!

Event race “Onset of Spring Cup” will be held from Wednesday, January 22!

from January 22, 2019 (Wed.) 17:00 to February 5, (Wed.) 15:00

・About “Onset of Spring Cup”

In Japan, Onset of Spring is called “Setsubun”.
“Setsubun no Mame Maki”, means “beans Bean sowing
on holiday for end of winter”, a traditional event that has been around for a long time in Japan.

Bean sowing is a ritual to eliminate evil.
Scream “the fortune is inside, the demon is outside” and sow beans.

Depending on the region, it says “the fortune is inside, the demon is also inside”.
Do you feel strange?
Because, in Japan, “Oni” is not just evil, but an angel of God.
(“Oni”has appeared a lot as a good guy, in many fairy tales.)

The racehorse for this event reward has a Oni motif. The striped buttocks are charm points. Please check later in the article.

Please refer to the following address for the race program.


This time, just like the previous event,

Regular event race is held once at each odd number hour(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 o’clock).
And the entry deadline is longer than before.

For more details, please check the race details at the end of the article.

・Event reward

In the “Onset of Spring Cup” event race,
・ Users who have many entries during the period(5 people)
・ Users with high total award amount in the period(5 people)
・5 people by lottery from users who entered in the event 10 times or more other than the above winners

We will present the event-limited racehorse to everyone above!!

※ It is a total of the results of all racehorses owned by one user.
※ If you purchase another user’s racehorse from the market during the campaign, please note that the racehorse’s previous performance will be counted as the original owner’s performance.
If your entry after purchase, it will be counted as your score.

The image above is the racehorse that can be got by winning the event.

・the prize for participation

All users who have entered the event more than 5 times will receive a training carrot (Temper).

・Race details

“Onset of Spring Cup” Regular event race

・held 30 minutes odd number(1,3,5・・・)hours
turf, 1200m, possible entry rating points 0–300pts, entry fee 100DCZ
This race is a SAFETY race. Entry DCZ is guaranteed even if you cannot win.

・held 39 minutes odd number(1,3,5 ・・・)hours
dirt, 2400m, possible entry rating points 301–600pts, entry fee 100DCZ
This race is a SAFETY race. Entry DCZ is guaranteed even if you cannot win.

・held 49 minutes odd number(1,3,5・・・)hours
turf, 3600m, possible entry rating point 601pts or more, entry fee 100DCZ
This race is a SAFETY race. Entry DCZ is guaranteed even if you cannot win.

[HOT]“Winter Plum Cup” Limited event race

・everyday 12:00, 20:00
turf, 2400m, no entry rating point limit, entry fee 300DCZ
This race is not a SAFETY race.

・everyday 14:00, 22:00
dirt, 2400m, no entry rating point limit, entry fee 300DCZ
This race is not a SAFETY race.

We look forward to your participation and appreciate your continued support!

