Chat GPT-3 Is Online, Thanks to Natural Language Processing!

nandbox Inc.
5 min readJan 25, 2023

Chat GPT-3 Is Online, Thanks to Natural Language Processing!

Chat-GPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that utilizes natural language processing (NLP) to create conversations with a human-like experience. This platform has the potential to revolutionize how people interact with AI and is being used in many different ways. If you want to learn more about the technical aspects of Chat-GPT and NLP, stick around. This article will explore how natural language processing (NLP) makes chat GPT-3 a powerful online tool.

What Is Chat-GPT?

In December 2022, Chat-GPT became popular, arousing curiosity from people worldwide working in different fields.

Chat-GPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform developed by OpenAI that utilizes natural language processing (NLP) to generate realistic and human-like conversations. It is powered by the GPT-3 language model, which is trained on a large amount of text data to understand the context of a conversation and generate appropriate responses.

Users give the language AI questions and prompts to get answers in the form of texts, which can be essays, poems, or simple responses. One of the examples on the OpenAI official website is that of a prompt…



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