Cross-browser testing tools

3 min readNov 1, 2023


Cross-browser testing tools are essential when we have to test our application across several browsers. With the use of these tools, we can make sure that our web application functions properly in all browsers. When both client-side and server-side browsers access the web application, this issue will occur.

We can evaluate our application’s compatibility across a range of browsers with the use of these tools. Cross-browser testing tools are necessary because there are situations when testing software on a single web browser is insufficient.

There are several different cross-browser testing tools on the market.

Here are a few of the most important tools for cross-browser testing.

Sauce Labs
CrossBrowser Testing


It’s a cloud-based application. It makes use of Selenium and Appium test scripts with a variety of Android and iOS mobile browsers. We can test our web application on the newest browsers with the LambdaTest tool.

Features of LambdaTest

  • The LambdaTest tool offers localhost web testing, allowing us to save our web application from errors before deployment.
  • We can troubleshoot live testing issues with the use of this tool.
  • We can test our application from various locations and make sure the user has the best possible experience in every position with the aid of this tool.
  • It will come with the screenshot function, which makes it easier for us to verify visual cross-browser compatibility between various desktop and mobile browsers.
  • With just one click, we can confirm that our application is responsive.
  • As the issue tracker and LambdaTest tool are already integrated, we can track and resolve our bugs directly from the LambdaTest platform.

Sauce Labs:-

It’s an additional cross-browser testing tool that lets us run our tests across a range of operating systems, devices, and browsers in the cloud. Since Sauce Labs is a cloud-based testing platform, the virtual machine setup is not necessary. This solution will give us a secure testing procedure, so we can test our application behind the firewalls of our clients.

It is the first platform that supports the Firebug plug-in for Firefox and offers automated testing for the Microsoft Edge browser.

Features of Sauce labs

  • Increasing software productivity is beneficial because continuous testing provides timely feedback throughout the development cycle, making debugging simpler and quicker.
  • On the Sauce testing cloud, it will run a variety of tests, including unit tests, automated end-to-end tests, and integration tests.
  • It will guarantee that our client receives software free of bugs.
  • Sauce performance, test statistics, and expanded debugging are a few other benefits.
  • It features a simple user interface for automation.

CrossBrowser Testing:-

Perhaps the most well-known licensed tool is cross-browser testing. It supports a wide range of browser versions for mobile devices, operating systems, and numerous browsers. The automated screenshot tool, localhost support, and other features are examples of the extra features.

Features of CrossBrowser testing

The main characteristics of the cross-browser testing tool are as follows:

  • The program is tested using this technique on actual mobile devices.
  • We use it to validate locally hosted and publicly hosted websites in a variety of browsers to assess the application’s compatibility.
  • This is used to verify the test cases in a real-world setting step-by-step using various hardware and browser combinations.
  • It can run our Selenium and Appium test scripts in any language.
  • After executing the Selenium scripts, it is useful to perform the screenshot.


This cloud-based platform for online and mobile testing enables developers to test their applications across a range of browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. The four primary products offered by BrowserStack are Live, App Live, Automate, and App Automate.

This eliminates the need for us to install or manage any hardware, including the virtual machine (VM). Additionally, it will provide us with stability to structure high-quality products and services while assisting in the reduction of expenses, upkeep, and time.

Features of BrowserStack

  • It is employed to locate the errors and instantly correct them.
  • Ability to test the application on a wide range of browsers, including IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, & Google Chrome.
  • With a single click, it will generate screenshots of over 1500 desktop and mobile browser. Also,allowing us to rapidly evaluate our layouts and designs.
  • Used to test responsive web design across several screen sizes without having to manually test every possible browser combination.
  • Moreover, it is incredibly scalable since it satisfies our testing requirements, which promotes team development because all team members have access to the devices.

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