Attending Investor Finance Forum 2018

Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog
3 min readNov 30, 2018

So you thought we were done with expos for this month? Our team is attending the Investor Finance Forum, taking place today, the 30th of November in the Inter Expo Center in Sofia. Investor Finance Forum is known to be the biggest and the most important event for the investment community in Bulgaria its surrounding regions; it’s also the perfect place to cement the success from the previous expo and lay the groundwork for future ones.

What is even better is that Dmitry Nazarov, the CEO of Genesis Vision, will be a speaker! Dmitry has prepared his presentation called “Long and Thorny Path to Decentralization of Trading”, which he will show within the framework of “The power of blockchain” panel in front of the broad audience.

Our project fits perfectly to the agenda of the event, plus we do have our 5 cents on the topic of blockchain prepared. To top that, Dmitry will be the only person to give his presentation at the crypto panel and then he will join a discussion with experts from tech companies. Such displays usually result in the exposure to just the right audience of experts, so we could not be happier about this opportunity.

Dmitry Nazarov with his fellow speakers

Of course, the presentation is not the only thing that brought Genesis Vision to Investor Finance Forum. As all of the team’s previous expos have shown, the presence at the show floor provides ample opportunities for networking and communication. That’s why we have this sleek and somewhat cute stand showing off our project.

Genesis Vision COO Miroslava preparing to meet the visitors of the IFF

But who will the team be communicating with? According to the information on the IFF website, the event will be visited by more than 400 individual investors and traders, as well as plenty of professionals from the fintech industry. All of the attendants fit the description of either our potential partners or consumers, so we’re looking to capitalise on this in the best way possible.

First visitors of the expo are starting to show up

The experience has taught us never to underestimate the power of networking and, respectively, events that provide opportunities to do just that. At the moment the team is quite busy doing lots of work promoting and cooperating, but after the team is back from the expo, we’ll make sure to make a proper report about the teams’ experience which will be posted next week, so keep tuned!

Until the next time, Visioners!



Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog

The first platform for the private trust management market, built on Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts