Date A Girl Who Doesn’t Give A F*ck What You Think About Her

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Dre Koval
2 min readFeb 21, 2014

She is the one changing the world, and she is the one you wish you could be. Date a girl who understands that being female is much more powerful than she’ll ever be given credit for and knows that the rules of the world are stacked against her. Date a girl who understands she lives in a man’s world and that everything has been designed for her opposing gender. Date a girl who doesn’t give a fck because she knows “it’s always going to be awkward” because her time hasn’t come yet.

Date a girl who does’t give a fck what you think about her because she will endlessly amaze you and surprise you and will want you to be the best version of yourself that you could ever be — not for her, though. Date a girl who knows her life depends on other people and doesn’t like it. She’s the one who’s thinking about how she can get out of it and how she can break free.

Date a girl who doesn’t give a fck because she knows she needs you, because humans need each other. She lives in a city and understands that cities are the proof that people need each other, and knows that her thoughts are reflected and absorbed and evaluated endlessly by others. She does wear a watch, but she understands that you’re on her time. This girl knows there isn’t anything she can do to change your mind, but then again, she also doesn’t give a fck.

Date a girl who doesn’t give a fck because she’ll always make you want her to give a fck.

Date a girl who loves traveling, and also not traveling. Date a girl who’s state of mind of not giving a fck is the most free she ever feels — more than in a place or in a time or in a certain outfit. Date a girl who understands it’s important to love people for different reasons, and it’s important to move around the world to one’s heart’s content, but who’s rate of hair shine isn’t the primary focus of her aptitude. Date a girl who wishes she herself could look beyond the world’s male gaze and think about herself exclusively in her own point of view.



Dre Koval

Comedian, Musician and fake VC owner. Talk to me about Tech, Start-Ups and anything funny. I'm @drekoval on all the things.